Here are my most recent plans on what to do:
* Sand down the car
*Remove rust
*Weld the damaged areas
*Find an engine that fits
*Start planning the interior design
*Look for a suitable bodykit
*Talk to the painter, or learn to paint the car by myself.
*Plan interior design with a local drawing magician (coam)
*check the entire car for problems, FIX problems.
I really had bad luck with the engine, the day before I called to the car parts dude, they sold exactly the same engine that I was looking for.. And it was the LAST!
So that means I have no engine for now.. But I will just have to look harder for one!
Was hoping to get the new engine in this year, but so far, so bad.. :(
Maybe santa will bring me one for Christmas!
I am also thinking about selling advertisement space on my car, so I can get some ekstra PR, some more money for the operation, and maybe some to spare, so I can have a nice holiday when I am finished with it!:)
As I wrote earlier, anyone interested in sponsoring my car, or just wants to give me a hand, you are both wery welcome! :)
Just give me a shout!